Dark Universe Wiki
The subject of this article is about an aspect of the real world relating to the Dark Universe.

The Mummy Zero Gravity VR Experience was a virtual reality experience based on The Mummy.


You are filming the 38th take of the zero-gravity scene from The Mummy along with Tom Cruise, Annabelle Wallis, Jake Johnson, and Courtney B. Vance.[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 UMU Enjoys The Mummy Zero Gravity VR Experience in NYC!. Biscotti, Steven. universalmonstersuniverse.com. May 30, 2017.


Dark Universe [ve]
Films The MummyThe Invisible ManRenfieldWolf ManBride of Frankenstein (unreleased)Dark Army (unreleased)The Invisible Woman (unreleased)Monster Mash (unreleased)

Confirmed but untitled films: Frankenstein (unreleased)

Untitled films: Creature from the Black LagoonVan HelsingDraculaThe Phantom of the OperaThe Hunchback of Notre Dame .Dr.Jekyll

Comics and manga The Mummy: Dark Stories
Video games The Mummy: Prodigium StrikeThe Mummy: Dark Universe StoriesThe Mummy Demastered
Live attractions The Mummy Escape GameThe Mummy Zero Gravity VR Experience
Soundtracks The MummyThe Invisible Man
See also Dark Universe (film studio)Minor CharactersMonstersMonsters LegacyTimelineUniversal Pictures